Gesret method : is the asthma genetic ?

"To be or not to be" the genetic origin, that's the question about asthma.

Some are not convinced for different kinds of reasons:

  • the first: because nobody at the moment, as far as I know, has ever accurately discovered nor demonstrated the fundamental causes of this pathology.
  • the second: because the royal view of the actual medicine find themselves to be the genetic researchers who have to provide all the answers to all the questions.

But :
is the genetic modification the origin of the pathology,
or is the pathology the origin of the genetic modification ?

Can we affirm the potential responsability of a gene on an absent pathology, and affirm that it will suddenly appear one day ? It can be true, but also, it can be wrong.

Let's face the next hypothesis

  • if an individual, by a cause we do not know right now, develops a chronic disease, it is possible that he will produce, on himself, at the same time, a genetic modification adapted at the new permanent condition.

Let us thus open a parenthesis

As soon as a subject is confrontated with the appearance of whatever kind of pathology, its defension mechanisms are activated.
Due to that, certain chemical substances like interleukine and interferon have the faculty to enter the heart of the cell in order to stimulate certain codons of the DNA. So, the cell, as a real chemical plant, will start to produce one or more substances which are not usual for itself, but which are necessary for answering to the defensional situation
If the cause will not be extirpated by the chemical answers, and if this situation gets a definitif character, can we imagine that this modification is "fixed" and becomes genetical transmittable ? Thus we can think that it has to see something with a permitted acquisition on future generations to be a match for an eventual pathology.
If the same cause, not foreseen, itself reproduces in the next generation, implicating: the same pathology, the subject would be something like "prepared" and its reactions should be probably more precocious. But, if the cause wasn't present, would a pathology then develop ?
In the second case, conservating this modification, which isn't necessarily, will it be transmitted at his turn to the next generations ?
If asthma really was genetically originated, because it has already been studied in ancient times (Galliërs, ...) and by numbers of descendants of original asthmatics, the actual mondial population would be carrier of this pathology.
If this was its origine, no asthmatic descendant could ever escape from this disease. However, children of asthmatics aren't, and children of non asthmatics are. Asthma can also appear suddenly at any age, from a six months old baby, untill 60 years, and can also suddenly disappear like it came (bizar, have the genes suddenly put everything in order ?).
If asthma really had a genetic origin, actually no other technique than genetic manipulation could be responsible to cure the disease. So, the therapy I made up to date to treat this pathology with success during more than ten years, without using any drug, means that its origin is not hereditable.
We don't complain, read what eminent Professors of the Medical Faculty, members of the academy, at the beginning of this century have said: "asthma is a disease of the rich people, it is frequently seen in the conveniently situated clients; while it is quite rare at the hospitals. Certain professions, like for example those who necessarily use their voice, as lawyers, clergymen, are seeming to favorise the development of the disease. But there is an even bigger influence coming from the hereditary. It can look similar, which means that asthma shall ascend with the anscesters, so called direct hereditary, or with the congenialities, so called indirect hereditary. But the herditary influence has to be understood in a larger way, and it is not always asthma itself which can be accused, but only the tendence, the predisposition of a big group of alternating succeeding pathologies. These are taking the place of others and can be considered as morbid equivalents. In these hereditable antecedents of asthmatics we can figure, indeed, a lack of asthma, gout, obesitas, migraine, diabetes, biliar lithiasis, urinarr lithiasis, rheumatism, gravel, eczema, epilepsy, hystery, arthritis,..."

Everything was pre-text at that century (1908) in order to affirm the existance of a hereditary, but we are not mistaken, nowadays, these ideas are still "in the air", just as the mites and the pollen.