images/superb200.gif (2791 octets)


Hi Jacques...
I have visited your website and I am pleased to offer you the Superb! Website 200 Award ! To qualify for this prestigious award, a site must have already won over 200 other awards, including two or more of the World's Top Awards, which is an impressive achievement.
Your site meets this criteria, and you have earned a Superb! Website 200 Award.
Please wear it with pride for very few websites will qualify for this award !
Again, congratulations on winning the Superb! Website 200 Award.
You have created an outstanding website, one that is widely recognized for
its excellence, and the Internet is better place because of your talent and efforts !


Wow ! Thank you very much Don.
Don, I heard one time that in order to succeed, one had to accomplish three things:
1) work
2) work
3) work
It must be true, for I work at least 16 hours per day !
I consider this award is a great honor !
I share this award with all those that helped me to translate, to correct the grammar and given of so good advices: Judy Vorfeld (Webgrammar), Mic Miller (The Beeline ), Jeff Clark (Internet Brothers), Alenka (Pegassus), Tom Speer (Fortressdesign), Hugh Brecher (AEIP), Debbie (Mesweet's), Joy Williams (JoyZine's), Feyd Nemo (Shadow Storm - very demanding !)...if I have forgotten anyone, my apologies !
My sincere thanks,